Friday, October 31, 2008

CCI Results - Part of Job Application

Your Personal Core Capacities IndexTM Results

To describe your unique recipe of Core Capacities, we use a set of four metaphors that correspond to the following foundational Core Capacities:

Builder: Power
Merchant: Inspiration
Innovator: Wisdom
Banker: Knowledge

These metaphors serve as a language to help us describe the characteristics of each Core Capacity. Arranged in a quadrant configuration, the scores in each quadrant give you a quick 'snapshot' of your Core Capacities:

Your Personal Core Capacities IndexTM Snapshot

Your scores indicate you have Merchant/Builder tendencies.
Your dominant Capacity Set is Merchant. Your secondary Capacity Set is Builder. These capacities cause you to act and react in ways similar to all other Merchant/Builders. However, no two persons are truly alike. We know from the number of capacities you selected out of 144 capacities available, that you have a unique strategy for living that includes some capacities from each of the four Core Capacities Sets.

Your unique dominant Merchant Capacity Set causes you to rely on the following strategies for success and fulfillment:

Your cornerstone core capacity is Inspiration. You are committed to giving and receiving inspiration in all its forms. You are constantly working to know and understand the truth about yourself and others.

You are willing to put yourself at risk in thought and action. Your commitment to others and to your own life is an encouragement to others. It is important for you to see people and things as they really are. Motivating others with your visions and ideas is very satisfying. You seldom feel defeated; You see good potential in most situations. You have the ability to help people feel hopeful and courageous. Talking with others is your way to learn and to teach.

Something new and inspiring everyday is the spice of your life. Charm and enthusiasm are part of your arsenal for success. Too much formality is boring and restrictive. You like a new charge in your life and you like to be the charge in the lives of others. You like to trust people and to share yourself with them freely. Making presentations puts zest in your life. Feeling a sense of togetherness with people gives you confidence.

You are good at getting others to work for and with you. Share your knowledge and information with others; You enjoy it and others appreciate it. Being acknowledged as a friend is important to you. You like to work and others enjoy working with you. A core strategy for you is to work effectively with others. Nothing feels right when the people you value are distant or are in conflict. No potential plan, idea or possibility gets by you.

You want to receive good rewards and appreciation for time and energy spent. You have a natural enthusiasm and like to be in situations that are fully engaging and energized. You enjoy being a bright light in your world.

Your unique secondary Builder Capacity Set supports your dominant Merchant Capacity Set.

Your cornerstone core capacity is Power, the application of pure energy for Good. This primary driver is supported by a strong faith in your own ability to know what to do, your faith that your actions are for the Good, and your faith that once you create change, you will know what to do next.

Accomplishing tasks now is a primary drive for you. You are practical and willing to face the truth. Whatever you do, you do without much hesitation. You are driven to get things done. You act as soon as you know what to do. People around you know that you are generally on task. You are strongly self-motivated.

Giving directives comes naturally to you. Your deep desire is to exert personal energy to make a positive difference. You pride yourself in the energy you expend on projects. Starting new projects and ventures makes you happy. If you can, you deal with things one at a time. You want the things you do to make a tangible difference. You like to put things and people to work.

Knowing the cost and the gain for all actions is important to you. You like to work and you admire others who work. You like speaking clearly, telling the truth and asking for what you want. There are few situations in which you feel inadequate. You use your power, physical and personal, to get what you want.

Your third level Banker Capacity Set gives you the ability to respond appropriately to a broad spectrum of situations.

Your cornerstone core capacity is Knowledge, supported by your strong desire to create Justice in the world.

Your Banker capacities are strong enough to bring balance into your life. Learning to shift your strategy to this capacity set in times of high opportunity or during conflicts will contribute significantly to your success.

You like to be the one who knows; being right and being able to prove it is important to you. Zero wasted motion, zero wasted resources, zero wasted effort; This is what you strive for. You like to provide others with proven ideas and methodology. Having all of the information is important to you, even the small things. Effective decisions are supported by analysis of similarities and differences. You care deeply when situations or the behaviors of people are unfair, or when your knowledge is used incorrectly by others. You like to understand the details of situations and issues.

You enjoy the work of keeping systems and processes running smoothly. You like to conserve resources and gain control by reducing the number of influences and authorities in any situation. You enjoy being the source of information and proven methodology. When things get messy, you may get testy. The reliability of your words and actions is critical to your sense of self respect. You work diligently to gather resources together and save them. You like to follow a prescribed course, especially when you are involved with setting the course.

Having the right information is important to you. You do what you say you will do.

Your fourth level Innovator Capacity Set gives you the opportunity to live a balanced and successful life.

You do not rely significantly on Innovator capacities to create success.

You see and understand the relative worth of people and things. You strive to cause people and things to function well together. To invent new systems, processes and things is pure pleasure. You never quit. You have wit and creativity in your thinking. It is important for you to watch, look and listen before you act. People look to you for the creation and improvement of work flow and procedures.

Finding the best solution is one of your primary contributions. You are seen as a valuable resource for leading people toward the right ideas and the right direction. Rapid and clever exchange of ideas is a personal joy and a method of work for you. You are able to see the ways things are, and you know what to do about it. Understanding others and working with them is a key asset of yours. You use everything that is available to meet requirements.

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