Thursday, September 25, 2008

20 Minutes of Nothing

What my 20 minutes of doing nothing consists of:

Starting 5 minutes -  To start off I knew that you can never do nothing.  Just sitting will be doing something.  The thing I came up with is "what do I consider as doing nothing."  I went out to my balcony and sat on my chair.  At first I just looked at the view of downtown Seattle.  My mind started thinking of random nothingness.  "Why don't I do this more often."  "I wish that tree was cut down, it'll make the value of my house rise."  "Someone should sneak over there and chop it down." "What time is it?"  This is getting boring."

Next 5 minutes -  Somehow I found myself lighting up a cigarette.  That was nice for the next couple minutes.  Then somehow a Heineken opened up to help me relax a bit more.  "This homework assignment is really nice."

Last of the 20 minutes -  I had a thought that to completely do nothing you must see nothing too.  So I closed my eyes and just sat there.  40 minutes later I felt cold and walked like a zombie to my bed and fell asleep.  That will conclude my 20 minutes of nothing.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Is drinking a beer doing nothing? I like your nothing better...I sat with no muscle movement at all! I even felt I did something. Oh by the way cutting trees down to increase the view is not environmentally correct nowadays.