Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Whiten Your Teeth!!!

Do you want whiter teeth? Can't afford all those pricey strips and products? Well here's a way to pick up those stains without wearing down on your enamel. Next time you eat an orange, keep the peel. Rub the white part (inside of the peel) against your teeth. Do that often and you'll see the results. Remember to eat the orange too, it's good for you.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mission Save Dog: The Invisible Man

This is my last blog for the quarter. This is a response to my last post. I saw that clip on the internet and thought that it would be fun to make my own stop motion film. So here it is for you to enjoy. It's short and it took me awhile to make.

Operation Save Dog: The Invisible Man from LT Tran on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Safe Shopping Part 2

I'm sad to say that this year's black friday was worse. This is part 2 of my After-Thanksgiving Day Sale 2008. Just when I blogged about having a safe shopping experience, this has to happen. What is wrong with people? Instead of waiting in line for hours, maybe even days, spend that time working and make money. Use that money to buy what you want. Most of the time you can get better stuff with the money you make then the low end stuff they put on sale. I don't know what to say anymore. Good Stuff.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Freeze Group

So on Monday the 3rd group will be presenting their freeze project and I would like to blog about it before it's too late. From what I understood from how they explained their project, their goal is to have people Stop their everyday life for a moment and "smell the roses." By freezing they will get people to take the time to observe them and maybe pick up on what they are trying to express. Just by doing so they are breaking their everyday routine in order for them to take the time to examine their project. For myself, I am not sure if this counts or not, but once every week I try to drive a different route home. You get to see parts of your neighborhood and city that some might not if they just do the same thing everyday.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ryan Leslie Post 2

One of my older post I had a video of Ryan Leslie making his music and I didn't say how that was related to the class. I'm not sure if he used Final Cut or whatnot but it shows how he used different sounds and pieced it all together to make something that sounds nice. And he did all of that by himself one sound at a time. Great to see what we could possible do if we like what we are doing now in class. Here's another clip from him. Hope you enjoy. And if you like what you see you can learn more about video and sounds in Joe's class next quarter. <-----Look, Advertisement for Joe's class. I should get paid.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Safe Shopping

Keep your hair on your head. Which day is more popular??? Thanksgiving Day or the Day After??? We should give the day a new name or holiday of its own. Let's call it "America Goes Crazy For Shopping Sales Day!!!" or "LGCFSS Day." Hope everyone has a safe holiday.