Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Whiten Your Teeth!!!

Do you want whiter teeth? Can't afford all those pricey strips and products? Well here's a way to pick up those stains without wearing down on your enamel. Next time you eat an orange, keep the peel. Rub the white part (inside of the peel) against your teeth. Do that often and you'll see the results. Remember to eat the orange too, it's good for you.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mission Save Dog: The Invisible Man

This is my last blog for the quarter. This is a response to my last post. I saw that clip on the internet and thought that it would be fun to make my own stop motion film. So here it is for you to enjoy. It's short and it took me awhile to make.

Operation Save Dog: The Invisible Man from LT Tran on Vimeo.