Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Safe Shopping Part 2

I'm sad to say that this year's black friday was worse. This is part 2 of my After-Thanksgiving Day Sale 2008. Just when I blogged about having a safe shopping experience, this has to happen. What is wrong with people? Instead of waiting in line for hours, maybe even days, spend that time working and make money. Use that money to buy what you want. Most of the time you can get better stuff with the money you make then the low end stuff they put on sale. I don't know what to say anymore. Good Stuff.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Freeze Group

So on Monday the 3rd group will be presenting their freeze project and I would like to blog about it before it's too late. From what I understood from how they explained their project, their goal is to have people Stop their everyday life for a moment and "smell the roses." By freezing they will get people to take the time to observe them and maybe pick up on what they are trying to express. Just by doing so they are breaking their everyday routine in order for them to take the time to examine their project. For myself, I am not sure if this counts or not, but once every week I try to drive a different route home. You get to see parts of your neighborhood and city that some might not if they just do the same thing everyday.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ryan Leslie Post 2

One of my older post I had a video of Ryan Leslie making his music and I didn't say how that was related to the class. I'm not sure if he used Final Cut or whatnot but it shows how he used different sounds and pieced it all together to make something that sounds nice. And he did all of that by himself one sound at a time. Great to see what we could possible do if we like what we are doing now in class. Here's another clip from him. Hope you enjoy. And if you like what you see you can learn more about video and sounds in Joe's class next quarter. <-----Look, Advertisement for Joe's class. I should get paid.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Safe Shopping

Keep your hair on your head. Which day is more popular??? Thanksgiving Day or the Day After??? We should give the day a new name or holiday of its own. Let's call it "America Goes Crazy For Shopping Sales Day!!!" or "LGCFSS Day." Hope everyone has a safe holiday.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Audio Post

Audio Blog from LT Tran on Vimeo.

Music These Days part 2

Well I stole this idea from Sasha's page. You can't really say that all country music is empowering to women. There are always a few bad apples in the batch. There are a lot of hip-hop music that is up-lifting toward women too.


From Joe's video we heard stories about commercial graffiti vs. street graffiti. Looking at the two photos, the ones that are done in the street has a more powerful effect on me. What do you guys think?


I can see the funny side of the photo. Too many cameras in public places. Some of the cameras are not for our safety, but for just observation or spying on our everyday life. Who really knows what "The Man" has up his sleeve?

Video Poem

Video Poem from LT Tran on Vimeo.

Group 1: Final Project

It was a pleasure to work with everyone in my group. Never was there a problem and everyone respected one another's ideas. In the end I think we were successful with our project. Good Job.

the final from William Knudsvig on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Quarter Piece - Yoko Ono

Take a quarter and then bury it.
Give it some water.
Watch it grow.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Surreal Pistol

This would be a helping hand if you considered killing yourself. Would someone actually make one for production? Kinda dark humor if someone actually uses the gun to kill themselves. You can write a "Novels in Three Lines" with the story.

Man, from somewhere out there, kills himself. He points the gun straight ahead and fired a single round at his face. Bang, bullet went back to his face.


I'm in class now and I'm so tired. I was up all night at the casino. I was all energized when I was there, but as soon as I left my soul left with me. Maybe we should decorate UW Bothell like a casino. Make the carpet a certain pattern and paint the ceiling and walls a specific color. Then maybe I'll be more alert and full of energy. Then professors might not complain about students falling asleep in class.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


In Lake Forest, California, a group of Marines alerted all the people at a motel that there was a fire. Everyone evacuated before the firefighters got there. Hoo-rah!!!

Don't take your Vitamins!

Extensive research shows that taking Vitamin C and E supplements do absolutely nothing to a person's health and it does not prevent heart disease. For the millions of Americans taking these supplements, be aware that they could actually be harmful to you. Just eat a complete diet.

Microsoft says NO

Jerry Yang, CEO of Yahoo, says that it's at Microsoft's best interest to acquire Yahoo. Microsoft spokesman says there's no interest and no discussions between the two companies. No money for Jerry Yang.


Hurricane Paloma crashes through Cuba on Sunday. No major damage, power lines down. Many people were evacuated to safe locations.

Buy Now!!!

King County's real estate is down thanks to the economic turmoil. The median price for new listings is 400,000, has not been this low since 2006. Get them while they're hot.


Frances Taylor, 96 years old, has been taken advantage of all her assets and money worth around 2 million. She has Alzheimer's disease and now lives in an adult-care facility paid by taxpayers. How sad.


Shannon Harvey, a principal from a Renton elementary school, won the 2008 Milken Family Foundation Award for Washington state. It was announced to her at an assembly as a surprise. She got 250 dollars.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Would you eat a Faggot?

It's funny how words play about in different parts of the world. Do the people who print the images on these boxes know what Americans use the term as?

New Edit

Taking out the clocks from the original "La persistencia de la memoria" by Salvador DalĂ­ and putting in ipods makes you look at the time passing through technology.

A&F Models

Thought this would give some ideas for a final project.

This would be cool if the Theatrical Group does something like this.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Have you done a random act of goodness lately. I certainly have not, but even the simplest thing like this would help someone.

Voting 101

Voting Day